Monday, June 11, 2012

Dinoland Main Quest

Lvl Requirement: Characters lvl 90+

Total Credits: 101000 creds

Hi all! Thats right a new expansion a new guide! So if ur feeling adventurous, get ready to start this new main quest by talking to:

NPC - Angel Primeval, is in each of the 4 cities: Aurora, Breeze/Beast, Iron/Steel and Dark/Shadow.

I started in Iron and the coordinates were: (145,88)

Note: Even if that isnt your faction, you can get it in any city.

Quest: Jungle Pioneer

1. Go to the Primitive Jungle and contact the local residents.

The entrance of the new expansion, Dinoland, is at Dragon Graveyard (100,98)

What you need to do? Simple, just talk to NPC - Lochmen (42,25) in Lost Cove (First Map of Dinoland)

He will give you the following Rewards: (1100000 gold, 17300000 exp, 8500 creds)

and Quest: Use Local Resources

PR - Pre-requisite: Jungle Pioneer Done

1. Search 0/10 curative herbal medicines in the Cove

Click the Hay Stack´s that are spread all trough the map.

The coordinates of all are: (55,33); (64,10); (175,40); (132,52); (76,77); (16,121); (53,154); (150,163); (106,123); (139,106); (194, 74); (267,51); (221,103); (173,121); (230,135); (260,96).

Note: You wont get 1 every time you click on a Hay Stack, its time factor. So if you dont feel like walking all around map just sit and wait by 1 single stack.

2. Give the herbs to Lochman (Report to NPC step 1)

3. Search 0/10 antidote herbs in the Cove

You need do exactly the same as in step 1, same Hay Stack´s.

4. Give the antidote herb to Lochman (Report NPC step 2)

5. Hunt 0/50 Toad Meat from the Draught Toads in the Cove.

Kill the monsters named Draught Toads that are around the area: (145,91 - Lost Cove)

Note: You also wont get 1 per each monster you kill its luck.

6. Give the Toad Meat to Lochman (Report to NPC step 4)

7. Go to Rock Forest to search the weird researcher

Talk to NPC - Researcher Krayd in Rock Forest (176,93)

He will give you the Rewards: (1600000 gold, 26000000 exp, 11500 creds)

and Quest: Beast Researcher

PR - Use Local Resources Done

1. Get 0/100 small samples from Shadow Shrimps 100.

Kill monsters named Shadow Shrimps in Rock Forest around the area (232,117).
2. Report to NPC Researcher Krayd

3. Get 0/100 large beast samples from Sharp-eye Wing Dragons.

Kill monsters Sharp-eye Wing D in Rock Forest around the area (115,100)

4. Give the sample to Researcher Kraydon (Report to NPC step 2)

5. Give the sample to the Researcher Corben (Hoca Village - 183,86)

He will give you the following Rewards: (1600000 gold, 26000000 exp, 11500 creds)

and Quest: Attack in Mind

PR - Beast Researcher Done

1. Go to Hunter´s Ridge to collect 0/15 pieces of jungle meat.

In Hunter´s Ridge go all around map finding and clicking the Meat.

Coordinates of all Meat: (15,24); (47,38); (84,27); (154,59); (72,127); (232,133); (196,33); (167,159)

2. Give the Jungle Meat to the Researcher Corben (Report to NPC step 5 - Beast Researcher)

3. Go to Hunter´s Ridge to collect 0/15 Jungle Wild Vegs

Vegs Coordinates: (55,40); (34,59); (55,126); (113,154); (179,133); (204,123); (286,137); (262,35); (187,38); (276,86)

4. Give the Jungle Wild Vegs to the Researcher Corben (Report to NPC step 2)

5. Bring the dish to Hungry Lukas (Hoca Village - 86,60)

He will give you the following Rewards: (1600000 gold, 26000000 exp, 11500 creds)

and Quest: Original Bus Stop?

PR - Attack the Mind Done

1. Go to Rex Point and drive away 0/120 Barren Barbarians

Kill monsters named Barren Barbarians in Rex Point around the area (132,131)
2. Report to Hungry Lukas (NPC of step 5 - Attack the Mind)

3. Go to Rex Point and drive away 0/120  Barren Spearman

Kill monsters named Barren Spearmans in Rex Point around the area (67,110)
4. Report to Hungry Lukas (NPC of step 2)

5. Go to Rex Point and get 0/10 portions of food from the goods

Click the Goods in Rex Point, which coordinates are: (194,136); (233,67); (55,74); (199,56); (217,155); (151,35); (236,167); (141,68); (259,162); (74,103); (94,47).
6. Give the food got from goods to Hungry Lukas (Report to NPC of step 4)

7. Inquire information from the Hoca Villager Douglas the Hermit.

Talk to NPC - Douglas the Herm at Hoca Village (63,148)

He will give you the following Rewards: 1900000 gold, 30000000 exp, 13000 creds)

and Quest: Take the Initiative!

PR - Original Bus Stop? Done

1. Go to Raven Riverpoint to destroy 0/120 Swordfang Tigers that cause threats.

Kill the monsters named Swordfand Tigers at Raven Riverpoint around the area (209,49)

2. Report to Douglas the Hermit (NPC of step 7 - Original Bus Stop?)

3. Catch 0/15 cubs that can be trained from the Beast Den in Raven Riverpoint.

Go around the map and click the Beast Den´s til you get all 15.
  Coordinates of all Beast Den: (276,62); (136,134); (101,125); (41,91); (192,55); (223,62); (87,50).

4. Report to Douglas the Hermit (NPC of step 2)

5. Find Dowa the Marquis and inquire about the latest news of the Beast Legion.

Talk to NPC - Dowa the Marquis in Hoca Village (259,89)

He will give you the following Rewards: (1900000 gold, 30000000 exp, 13000 creds)

and Quest: Huge Beast! Attack!

PR - Take the Initiative! Done

1. Go to Hunter´s Ridge to stop 0/150 Sword Dragon Riders or Clever Dragons of the Beast Legion´s Pioneer Troop.

In Hunter´s Ridge kill the monsters named Sword Dragon Riders around area (138,51) OR Clever Dragons around area (49,66).
2. Report to Dowa the Marquis (NPC of step 5 - Take the Initiative!)

3. Go to Hunter´s Ridge to stop 0/150 Earth Dragons or Horned Dragons of the Beast Legion´s Main Force

In Hunter´s Ridge kill the monsters named Earth Dragons around area (180,120) OR Horned Dragons (205,94).

Note: Altho in quest says 1 or another, i noticed that i wasnt getting any by killing Horned Dragons so i went to Earth Dragons and started getting them fast. Maybe Horned Dragons are bugged, im not sure.

4. Report to Dowa the Marquis (NPC of step 2)

5. Get Reward from the Tribe Leader Vanity

Talk to NPC - Tribe Leader Van in Hoca Village (90,122)

She will give you the Rewards: (2200000 gold, 35000000 exp, 15000 creds)

and Quest: Follow UP a Victory

PR - Huge Beast! Attack! Done

1. Go to Shilly Desert to destroy 0/200 Silverfang Tigers of the Beast Legion before the legion has a rest.

Kill the monsters named Silverfang Tiger in Shilly Desert around the area (41,76)

2. Report to Tribe Leader Vanity (NPC of step 5 - Huge Beast! Attack!)

3. Drive away 0/200 Shadow Swift Dragons and Rampage Swift Dragons near the Dinossaur Arena.

OK, so important here to read carefully, it says NEAR not IN Dinossaur Area. Some Dummies like myself actually at first went to Arena >.<" lol :3 It was fun tho x´D

What you gotta do is in Shilly Desert kill the monsters Shadow Swift Dragons around area (248,137) and Rampage Swift Dragons around area (181,144).
4. Report to Tribe Leader Vanity (NPC of step 2)

5.Go to Rock Forest and find 0/1 Boulder Forest Stone Material (282,265)

Go to Rex Point and find 0/1 Rex Cirrus (86,68)

Go to Raven Riverpoint and find 0/1 pile of Zonian Wood (76,118)

6. Transport Boulder Forest Stone Materials, Rex Cirrus?? and Zonian Wood to the camp near Dinossaur Arena in Shilly Desert.

Talk to NPC - Gurkha Area Mana iN Shilly Desert (176,170)

7. Get Reward from the Tribe Leader Vanity (NPC of step 4)

She will give you the following Rewards: (2500000 gold, 40000000 exp, 17000 creds)

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